Saf-T-Pops Original - 12.5lb Bulk

  • $111.99

When you have a children's event, pick Original Saf-T-Pops as your treat of choice. These children-friendly lollipops have a curved stick that makes them safer than a straight one, since the soft stick bends if a child falls while sucking on the pop.Plus, the looped stick is easy for small fingers to hold as children enjoy their treat. These lollipops are individually-wrapped, making them perfect as giveaways and protecting them from germs. Choose these lollipops as a company giveaway for a community event, as a safe Halloween option or as an everyday dessert for a school, after-school program, kids' camp or other kid-centered business or event.Every child will find a flavor they love with this assorted batch of delicious fruity flavors, designated by vibrant colors that make them more exciting. These lollipops have the perfect balance of fun and safety that you want for any group of kids.


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