Yum Yum Marshmallow Cone - 24ct Box

You might think the name of these Yum Yum Marshmallow Cone treats is a bit unusual, but when you taste one, you will understand! The only word that comes to mind is "Yum!" What else is there to say about a marshmallow that looks and tastes like a vanilla ice cream cone?These unique treats were first manufactured in 1936, and were an immediate staple in candy stores. If the cool appearance and amazing taste of these Yum Yum Marshmallow Cone treats doesn't get you excited, perhaps the fact that they are only 20 calories each will!Oh, and they are fat-free! Plus, this is an ice-cream cone that won't melt on a hot summer day. Hand these out at a kids' party, and you will see nothing but smiles. Share with your coworkers to get over the Monday blues, or hand out at Halloween to be the coolest house on the block.