Gummi Butterflies - 5lb

The next time your child comes home from school, and tells you it is your turn to bake cupcakes for the class or that you need to make something for the bake sale, you will be prepared, if you have a stash of these Gummi Butterflies in your pantry.Decorate your baked goods with them, use them to top an ice-cream sundae, or just pour them in a candy dish at a baby shower or springtime party. They are also ideal for gift bags at your child's next party, and you might as well stash a bag in your closet where no one else can find them.This big bulk supply of Gummi Butterflies including six pretty colors that all have their own unique flavor: purple (grape), orange (orange), green (green apple), blue (blue raspberry), red (strawberry), and pink (watermelon). They are fresh, soft, and chewy. Best of all, they are low in calories and completely fat-free.